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Here i shall teach you everything i know about pets

and remember

Habbo UnitedKingdom only...


Pet Commands

Sit: Makes the pet sit down
Lay down: Gets the pet to lie down
Jump: Makes the pet jump up
Speak: Gets the pet to bark/meow etc
Good: Boosts pet's ego and makes them happy
These commands are only for the pet's owner:
Follow: Gets your pet to follow you
Come here: Makes your pet come to you
Beg: The pet will beg for a reward from you
Go away: Your pet will move away from you
Bad: Tells your pet off

Secret Commands

These are commands that you werent told so keep quiet about them hehe! laughing

Tail:Gets the pet to wag its tail

Play Dead:The pet fakes deadwassat


Pet Accessories

This is what you may buy for your pet


Note- Habboix sent an alliance to Habbox and they might accept
Habboix is making a major
to Habbox and,Habboix is getting really popular
Thankyou All guys,Couldnt of done it with out the fans of Habboix!!!
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