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The Week's Corner News

Under construction sorry, for the inconvinience

 Habbo Bash Coming Soon.... 
You got it, soon its going to come yea thats right habbo bash 2005,
 great prizes a cool party and cool fallin furni
To sign up for the habbo bash you must be this old                         age_check_11.gif                                   Where do I sign up???
   Click here night_crawler11@hotmail.com 
                                                                               Tell :..piers..: your habbo name and email
  please do not fake your age we will find out anyways, see you at the bash
Ps: :..piers..: shall tell you in the email where to find the bash

Note- Habboix sent an alliance to Habbox and they might accept
Habboix is making a major
to Habbox and,Habboix is getting really popular
Thankyou All guys,Couldnt of done it with out the fans of Habboix!!!
Monthly Updates- None